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Well that is easy to remedy.

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Thanks for your interest and hope to see you here soon.

I am really looking forward to your blog. I am sure it is going to be fun, funny, interesting, thought-provoking, intelligent and inspiring. Even though I don't have small children to raise, as you know grandkids, nephews etc are very close and dear to my heart. Children who have parents who need help with responsibility, education and parenting skills are also close to my heart. In the area of nursing that I practice, I have some influence and opportunities to follow through on some of the issues that arise whereby children can hopefully be protected and helped. I wish I could do more....MUCH more.
Liz via Inspired Families

Thanks Liz! My hope is that this blog becomes a space for interaction and sharing . . . and I am positive that in time there will be many spots for you to add your pearls of wisdom and years of experience.

Hooray!!!! Finally you've done it!!! I have always thought you an absolute genius for all the stuff you do with your boys and remember telling you years ago to write a book! Well books are SO last season! Congrats Dee! So excited!
Mandy Waddington via Facebook

Thanks Mandy! I hope I don't disappoint! (Btw. there are 4 children's books at point of final manuscript . . . hold thumbs!)

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