Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg hunt with meaning . . .

So the Easter Bunny has left his chocolate warren and is bouncing from East to West delivering treats for sleeping children.

Every year, this Easter Bunny, leaves talc-powder footprints all over the front door and a half-eaten carrot in the drive-way. "Hidden" in plain sight are maps of the garden pointing out buried chocolate treasures.

The excitement of the hunt, the frantic searching and the squeals of "I found one", are what I look forward to on Easter Sunday, and I can't bear to think of the time (that will come) when the kids will grow out of this excitement. So, for as long as I get, I will keep making it as special as I can.

This year with the boys a little older, yet still believing in the Easter Bunny, I want to bring the meaning of Easter into the hunt! I have to take a couple of things into account:

  • the weather is not playing nicely, which means, unless I make both indoor and outdoor maps and and do the egg hiding 4am (no thanks), maps are out!
  • only one of the boys can read fluently, so it'll have to be a team hunt
  • the Easter story turns through sad moments, which I would love to capture, but in away that reminds them of the happiness of Easter

With all this in mind, and awfully last minute, this is what this Easter Bunny will be laying out in the morning:
  • 10 cut-out egg-shaped clue cards on the kitchen table
  • each card has an Easter fact linked (in some cases very loosely so) to a hiding place (which are so generic that the hunt may last a while)
  • each time they find an egg/treat, they return for another clue card

Do you think it will work?

If it's not too late, and you like the idea, use it! (If you do, hop me an email and let me know how it went,to: )

Happy hunting and a blessed Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Inspired and so typically fabulously creative! Those boys are blessed to have such a dedicated and committed mommy!
